The owners of this taqueria hail from Mexico City and they strived to serve street style tacos a la Mexico City, and their presentation nails it. Not your typical taqueria, the place is adorn with images of Mexican wrestling icons, they stay true to my own philosophy of “naco es chido,” which can be interpreted as trashy kitsch is cool. The ambience as Mrs. Tizoc Schwartz (aka Xochitl Goldberg) puts it, is “cute.” They’ve really paid attention to detail.
And now for the food, their steak taco is good but the thing to get here is their three-taco-plate, I went with “El Santo,” named after the godfather of modern Mexican wrestling. El Santo is three different types of meat, cecina, chorizo, and chicharrĂ³n; it is definitely worthy of its prize fighting name. I inhaled all three tacos in less than 3 minutes and washed it down with some horchata. Oh, leave room for dessert, we went with a slice of tres leches cake, it’s sooooooo good I thought I was on crack!
La Lucha is located on Avenue A between 9th and 10th, across the street from Tompkins Square Park.
During weekends they are open for brunch and they serve chilaquiles and pozole!!!!!

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I've also had their pastel de tres leches, and it is good.
Hey Tizoc! Nice to meet you!
I dedicated a post to you today and you are now on my blogroll. I'm very glad you found me.
You gotta check out the new Hecho en Dumbo which is now on Bowery and East 4th St. Fancy Manhattan Mexican, but quite good.
The Grande Enchilada.
great that you are doing this, i just started something similar in san diego, poruntaco.blogspot.com i will be following you
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